2019 Fresno Regional Transportation Innovations Summit
October 23, 2019
The Summit is a joint production of Fresno State’s Transportation Institute and Fresno Council of Governments, designed to provide an opportunity for hundreds of residents, professionals and stakeholders to become familiar with the latest in advanced, clean transportation technology through an up-close and personal experience. It also brings together businesses and individuals that have invested in cleaner transportation technology, to share their successes and challenges with the community.
Register for the Summit here!
Summit Agenda
Opening Keynote Speaker
Dr. Christopher Borroni-Bird, Founder, Afreecar LLC
Dr. Borroni-Bird will present a discussion of future mobility’s technical and commercial challenges – autonomy, connectivity, electrification and shared mobility; the consideration of personal, goods and public transport with city actions to improve quality of life, and rethinking mobility around needs of labor (jobs creation) and environment (materials re-use and greater use of renewable energy). He is an independent mobility expert, working on sustainable and affordable mobility for all the world’s people. This builds on his 25-year career leading advanced mobility initiatives in major organizations. He recently served as Waymo’s Chief Engineer (Future Vehicle Programs) and as Research Scientist at MIT Media Lab.
From 2012 to 2017, Dr. Borroni-Bird was Qualcomm’s VP Strategic Development, responsible for developing wireless automotive solutions (e.g. wireless EV charging and V2X communications). Before this, Dr. Borroni-Bird led GM’s Electric Networked Vehicle (EN-V), the world’s first drivable vehicles to demonstrate the currently accepted vision of future mobility and extensively deployed at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. He led GM’s Autonomy, Hy-wire and Sequel “skateboard” electric vehicle concepts, widely adopted by the Auto Industry, and has 50 patents. He is co-author of “Reinventing the Automobile: Personal Urban Mobility for the 21st Century”, with Larry Burns and the late Bill Mitchell (MIT Press, 2010). Before joining GM in 2000, he led Chrysler’s gasoline fuel cell vehicle development.
Luncheon Keynote Speaker
Paul J. Van Konynenburg, California Transportation Commissioner
Paul J. Van Konynenburg was appointed to represent the San Joaquin Valley on the California Transportation Commission in August of 2017. He will share his thoughts and perspectives on California’s transportation issues, speaking to attendees on state policies, plans, and programs that address the state’s challenges.
Closing Keynote Speaker
Closing Keynote Speaker: Egon Terplan – Senior Advisor for Economic Development and Transportation, Governor Gavin Newsom, Office of Planning and Research / Strategic Growth Council
Prior to his appointment as Senior Advisor for Economic Development ad Transportation, Egon was the Regional Planning Director at SPUR, a Bay Area urban policy think tank and civic group. His work focuses on the intersections of economic development, regional planning, workforce preparation, transportation and governance, and has published on topics ranging from the future of the corporate campus to the decline in middle-wage jobs to the emergence of a Northern California mega-region. He is on various regional boards and committees, and has managed regional economic development strategies for clients throughout the world. He will be presenting information on the State of California’s plans for economic development in our region.
Summit Breakout Sessions:
Session 1: 9:30 – 10:45 am You will be asked to select one breakout for each session 1 & 2 ~OR~ sign up for Tour 1.
- New Technologies – The “New Tech” Breakout Session will include a diverse panel of new technology leaders from local, national and international arenas. Topics covered include the status of autonomous vehicles and transportation infrastructure audits using lidar technologies.
- Transit Innovations & Micro Mobility – This session will highlight new transit technologies, micro-mobility programs and new avenues to Lyft and Uber without use of a smartphone.
Session 2: 10:50 am – 12:05 pm You will be asked to select one breakout for each session 1 & 2 ~OR~ sign up for Tour 1.
- Transportation & Public Health – Panelists will discuss public health challenges that Fresno and the rest of the San Joaquin Valley are facing, and how it may be improved linking transportation and land use. Panelists will also discuss transportation and land use solutions that have positive co-benefits to public health, accessibility, and the environment.
- High-Speed Rail Discussion – This session will include a diverse panel of high-speed rail project stakeholders sharing and presenting the latest updates about different aspects of the project, such as operation, station design, economics, labor, and politics.
Session 3: 1:30-2:45 pm You will be asked to select one breakout for each session 3 & 4 ~OR~ sign up for Tour 2 or 3.
- SB 743 – Senate Bill 743 requires Level of Service (LOS) be replaced under existing CEQA guidelines with Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), a metric that will promote greenhouse gas emission reduction, mixed uses and a multi-modal transportation system. SB 743 will take full effect on July 1, 2020, having profound impacts on how public agencies approve transportation and land use projects. The SB 743 panel will discuss the legislative background, implementation issues, and potential challenges.
- Widespread Electrification – This session will discuss the impacts of full electrification on a variety of transportation modes.
- Transportation Safety – In this breakout session, speakers will present transportation safety-related issues and activities, which are aimed at reducing fatalities and injuries on roadways and provide a safer transportation system to all users. Specifically, each presentation will be looking at this issue from a different perspective, from policy, engineering, education, to research.
Session 4: 2:55 – 4:10 pm You will be asked to select one breakout for each session 3 & 4 ~OR~ sign up for Tour 2 or 3.
- CSUF Research Projects Presentation – During this session attendees will be presented with a diverse selection of some of the most recent and innovative transportation research projects completed by Fresno State faculty in the past couple of years. Examples of these projects include sustainable urban planning, message-framing for safety, K-12 education, and technological applications.
- The Housing-Transportation Connection – Panelists will discuss local and regional challenges to integrating transportation and land use. Examples of proven solutions to address the housing-transportation connection will be provided.
Summit Tours:
Tour 1, Sessions 1 & 2: 9:30 am -12:05 pm Electric Planes tour at Sierra Sky Park Airport – Transportation is provided. Maximum Number: 30
Tour 2, Sessions 3 & 4: 1:30 – 4:10 pm Bus Rapid Transit Tour – Participants on this mobile tour will learn about the bus rapid transit process in Fresno, from planning to implementation. Fresno Area Express staff will ride the bus with participants to discuss challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned throughout the process. Participants will ride the BRT and will get an opportunity to explore the stations and surrounding areas at two or three stops. Transportation is provided. Maximum Number: 30
Tour 3, Sessions 3 & 4: 1:30 – 4:10 pm High-Speed Rail Construction Tour – Participants on this mobile tour will be bussed out to High-Speed Rail construction sites. (Required clothing) Maximum Number: 30
Nominate transportation professionals or projects for the 2019 Summit Awards:
Summit Awards Announcement and Nomination Form links.
View the benefits of SPONSORSHIP:
Summit Sponsorship Packet
Summit sponsorship investment shows your company cares about the San Joaquin Valley’s future mobility and prosperity while gaining high-profile attention and recognition to each sponsoring partner.