Fresno COG Activity-Based Model
As one of the 18 MPOs in California that are subject to Senate Bill (SB) 375 for Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCS) development, Fresno COG has developed tools to address increasing interest in measuring impacts from compact and mixed-use development, active transportation, transit, pricing, etc. One of the tools that Fresno COG has developed is an activity-based model (ABM) to better address such issues.
Fresno COG ABM Report
For SB743 VMT analysis requests, files, or other information related to the ABM model, please contact Santosh Bhattarai at
Additionally, information related to the older MIP2 Model is available upon request. Please contact Kai Han at
Other Documents
San Joaquin Valley Demographic Forecasts 2010-2050 – March 2012
Traffic Counts
Monitoring Report 2007-2012
For more recent counts, please contact Kai Han at