Regional Transportation Plan

Regional Transportation Plan

Fresno COG’s 2026 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy is a Fresno COG’s website dedicated to hosting only RTP Update development information. It includes all relevant and up to date RTP update information, including public outreach, timelines, committee information and the final RTP/SCS.


Fresno COG’s 2022 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy

The 2022 RTP is housed on Fresno COG’s RTP update website with all amendments, development files, related plans, studies and documents. 

Fresno COG’s 2018 Regional Transportation Plan

Fresno COG’s 2018 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) – Watch the RTP video now

Fresno COG’s Regional Transportation Plan 2018 – 2042 addresses greenhouse gas emissions reductions and other air emissions related to transportation, with the goal of preparing for future growth in a sustainable manner. The Regional Transportation Plan continues to provide necessary mobility to keeping us moving through the year 2042. It contains a variety of different Elements or chapters with each element augmented by additional documentation.

Approved Amendments

2018 RTP Amendment #5 (with 2021 FTIP Amendment No 3)     2021 Conformity Analysis

2018 RTP Amendment #4 and Final 2021 FTIP    Final Conformity Analysis    Adopted January 28, 2021

2018 RTP Amendment No. 3 (with 2019 FTIP Amendment No. 12)    2020 Conformity Analysis

2018 RTP Amendment No. 2 (with 2019 FTIP Amendment No. 6)     2019 Conformity Analysis

2018 RTP Amendment No. 1 (with 2019 FTIP Amendment No. 3)    Conformity Analysis 

The Plan

2018 – 2042 Final RTP:
2018 RTP Cover, Introduction, Table of Contents, Lists of Tables and Figures and Acronyms

RTP Chapters
Chapter 1 – Building the RTP: Putting the Pieces Together
Chapter 2 – Policies: Foundations of the Plan
Chapter 3 – Sustainable Communities Strategy: People. Choices. Community
Chapter 4 – Actions: Assessing Our Transportation Needs
Chapter 5 – Financing Mobility: Funding Our Transportation System
Chapter 6 – Public Participation: Working Together for a Better Plan
Chapter 7 – Environmental Justice Report: Ensuring Meaningful Involvement for All People

Chapter 8 – Transportation Performance Management: Investment Accountability and Efficiency

Appendix A RTP Checklist
Appendix B Valleywide Information
Appendix C Financing Mobility:  Reference Materials
Appendix D Draft Program Environmental Impact Report and Materials
Appendix E Public Review and Adoption Materials
Appendix F Congestion Management Process
Appendix G Public Participation: Reference Materials
Appendix H Environmental Justice Report
Appendix I Sustainable Communities Strategy: Reference Materials
Appendix J Actions: Reference Materials

Conformity Analysis

Fresno COG 2018 RTP – 2019 FTIP Conformity FINAL

The Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)

Fresno COG 2018 RTP/SCS Final PEIR

Fresno COG 2018 RTP/SCS Draft PEIR

2018 – 2042 RTP/SCS Development Files:

Fresno County 2050 Growth Projections

Executive Summary
Final Report, May 4, 2017

2017-18 SB375 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Target Recommendation

Fresno COG 2020 target recommendation

Fresno COG 2035 target recommendation

2018 RTP/SCS Scenario Process and Draft Documents

SCS Scenario Descriptions and Indicator Results: English

SCS Scenario Descriptions and Indicator Results: Spanish

Project Scoring Criteria 2018 RTP – Final Draft

Preferred Scenario Project List

Project Scenario Tool

2018 RTP-SCS Policy Element DRAFT

2018 RTP Public Participation/Outreach

View the 2018 RTP Public Outreach webpage

2018 RTP Roundtable – Overseeing the Update

The 2018 RTP Roundtable supports the Fresno COG staff and COG standing committees in their planning and preparation of the 2018 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy, considering issues that support the development of plans and provide comments and community-based consensus.

Fresno COG’s 2014 Regional Transportation Plan

– adopted June 26, 2014
Fresno COG’s Regional Transportation Plan 2040 charts a 25-year course to the year 2040.  As we address greenhouse gas emissions reductions and other air emissions it is our goal to plan sustainably, with purpose and direction. Look forward with us to Fresno’s future through the year 2040. The Regional Transportation Plan provides the mobility to keeping us moving. The RTP is made up of a variety of different Elements or chapters, and each element is augmented by additional documentation.

2015 FTIP Amendment No. 8, 2014 RTP Amendment No. 1, and
2015 Conformity Analysis addressing the 2008 Ozone and 2012 PM 2.5 Standards

The Plans:

2014 RTP – Final – Files
2014 RTP Covers, Introduction, Table of Contents and committee lists
List of Tables and Exhibits with sources

RTP Chapters
Chapter 1 – Building the RTP: Putting the Pieces Together
Chapter 2 – Public Participation: Working Together for a Better Plan
Chapter 3 – Environmental Justice Report: Ensuring Meaningful Involvement for All People
Chapter 4 – Sustainable Communities Strategy: People. Choices. Community
Chapter 5 – Actions: Assessing Our Transportation Needs
Chapter 6 – Policies: Foundation of the Plan
Chapter 7 – Financing Mobility: Funding Our Transportation System

Appendix A  RTP Checklist
Appendix B  Valleywide Information
Appendix C  RTP Performance Measures and Project List
Appendix D  Final Program Environmental Impact Report and Materials
Appendix E  Public Review and Adoption Materials (Revised 6/12/14)
Appendix F  Congestion Management Program
Appendix G  Building the RTP:  Reference Materials
Appendix H  Public Participation: Reference Materials
Appendix I   Environmental Justice Report
Appendix J  Sustainable Communities Strategy: Reference Materials
Appendix K  Actions: Reference Materials

Entire 2014 RTP – Final (33.2 MBs)
Entire 2014 RTP Appendices – Final (135.8 MB)

Resolution 2014-10 – 2014 RTP/SCS, 2015 FTIP & Corresponding Conformity Analysis
Resolution 2014-19 – Certifying the Final Program Environmental Impact Report for 2014 RTP

2014 Conformity Analysis

Conformity Analysis for 2015 FTIP and 2014 RTP

The Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)

2014 PEIR – Final – Full Document
2014 Draft PEIR – Full Document

Fresno COG has prepared a Program Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR), in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the 2014 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (2014 RTP/SCS).  Both the Final and Draft PEIR documents can be viewed in their entirety by clicking the corresponding links above.  The 2014 RTP identifies the region’s transportation needs and issues, sets forth an action plan of projects and programs to address the needs consistent with the adopted policies, and documents the financial resources needed to implement the plan.  Additional areas of emphasis in the 2014 RTP include an Environmental Justice Report and a Sustainable Communities Strategy.  In addition, the 2014 RTP includes updated project lists and performance measures.  Projects are identified at a conceptual level for purposes of the RTP, and this Draft Program EIR is programmatic in nature – meaning it does not specifically analyze individual projects.

The Program EIR finds that implementation of the 2014 RTP/SCS could result in significant and unavoidable impacts to the following issues areas:  Aesthetics; Agricultural Resources; Air Quality; Biotic Resources; Climate Change; Cultural Resources; Energy and Energy Consumption; Geology and Soils; Hazardous Materials; Hydrology and Water Quality; Land Use and Planning; Noise; Population and Housing; Public Utilities, Other Utilities, and Service Systems; and Transportation/Traffic.