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Transportation Performance Management


FHWA Transportation Performance Management

Safety Performance Targets (PM1)

FHWA Safety Performance Management

Caltrans Strategic Highway Safety Plan

FHWA State Safety Performance Dashboard and Reports

Performance Measures (Annual Targets)

  • Number of Fatalities
  • Rate of Fatalities per 100 Million VMT
  • Number of Serious Injuries
  • Rate of Serious Injuries per 100 Million VMT
  • Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries

2021 Targets

Fresno COG supported the statewide Safety Performance Management Targets (SPMT) for 2021

Performance Target Data Source 5-Yr. Rolling Average
Number of Fatalities FARS 3,624.80
Rate of Fatalities (per 100M VMT) FARS & HPMS 1.044
Number of Serious Injuries SWITRS 15,419.4
Rate of Serious Injuries (per 100M VMT) SWITRS & HPMS 4.423
Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Non-Motorized Severe Injuries FARS & SWITRS 4,340.8

2020 Targets

Fresno COG supported the statewide Safety Performance Management Targets (SPMT) for 2020

Performance Target Data Source 5-Yr. Rolling Average (2019)
Number of Fatalities FARS 3518.0
Rate of Fatalities (per 100M VMT) FARS & HPMS 1.023
Number of Serious Injuries SWITRS 13,740.4
Rate of Serious Injuries (per 100M VMT) SWITRS & HPMS 3.994
Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Non-Motorized Serious Injuries FARS & SWITRS 4147.4

Tracking Safety Performance in Fresno County

Pavement and Bridge Targets (PM2)

FHWA PM2 and PM3

Caltrans Transportation Asset Management

Performance Measures (2-year and 4-year targets)

  • % Interstate pavements in Good condition
  • % Interstate pavements in Poor condition
  • % Non-Interstate NHS pavements in Good condition
  • % Non-Interstate NHS pavements in Poor condition
  • % NHS bridges in Good condition
  • % NHS bridges in Poor condition

2018-2021 Targets

Fresno COG support the following statewide targets set by Caltrans

System Performance/Freight/CMAQ Targets (PM3)

Performance Measures (2-year and 4-year targets)

  • % Reliable person-miles traveled on the Interstate.
  • % Reliable person-miles traveled on the Non-Interstate NHS.
  • Percentage of Interstate system mileage providing for reliable truck travel time. (Truck travel time reliability)
  • Total emissions reductions by applicable pollutants under the CMAQ program.

2018-2021 Targets

Fresno COG support the following statewide targets set by Caltrans

PM2/PM3 Targets Presentation

Transit Asset Management (TAM)

FTA Transit Asset Management Rules

Performance Measures

  • Revenue Vehicle: The percentage of revenue vehicles (by type) that exceed the useful life benchmark (ULB)
  • Non-Revenue Vehicle: The percentage of non-revenue service vehicles (by type) that exceed the ULB
  • Facilities: The percentage of facilities (by group) that are rated less than 3.0 on the Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM) Scale
  • Infrastructure: The percentage of track segments (by mode) that have performance restrictions.

2018 Targets

Revenue Vehicle FAX FCRTA Fresno COG
Automobile 0% NA 0%
Bus 3% 47% 8%
Cutaway Bus 0% 18% 10%

**Target percentage of revenue vehicles (by type) that exceed the useful life benchmark (ULB)

Non-Revenue Vehicle FAX FCRTA Fresno COG
Non-Revenue /Service Automobile 3% NA 3%
Trucks and other Rubber Tire Vehicles 17% 0% 13%

**Target percentage of non-revenue vehicles (by type) that exceed the useful life benchmark (ULB)

Facilities FAX FCRTA Fresno COG
Administration 30% NA 30%
Maintenance 30% NA 30%
Passenger Facilities 0% NA 0%

**Target percentage of facilities (by group) that are rated less than 3.0 on the TERM Scale

Regional Transit Safety Performance Targets

There are three transit agencies in the Fresno County, Fresno Area Express (FAX), Clovis Transit, and Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA). However, FAX is the sole agency in the region required by Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to develop the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) and set the annual transit safety targets. Clovis Transit and FCRTA are exempted from the PTASP requirements. Hence, the regional annual transit safety targets would be same as that of FAX.

  • VRM: Vehicle Revenue Miles

2020 Targets

  • 2020 targets represent a 10% reduction of 2019 actuals.
  • FY20 VRM are estimated at 5,130,000, an approximate 10% increase
Mode Fatalities Fatalities (per 10 million VRM) Injuries   Injuries (per 10 million VRM) Accidents/Incidents Accidents/Incidents (per 10 million VRM) System Reliability
Bus Transit 0 0 42 8.19 x 10-3 46 8.97 x 10-3 11,986