Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan
Fresno County Voters passed an extension to the Measure C program in November 2006, continuing and half cent sales tax for transportation purposes. Much of the planning and implementation of the Measure C Program is done by Fresno COG staff, while the agency responsible for overseeing the implementation of Measure C is the Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA). The FCTA’s website is
Implementing the Measure
Measure C Strategic Implementation Handbook
Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee
Measure C Programs
Carpool Incentive Program – links directly to Fresno COG’s ride-sharing website at
Commuter Vanpool Subsidy Program – links to, click on Commuter Vanpool Subsidies
Farmworker/Ag Vanpool Subsidy Program – links to, click on Ag Vanpool Subsidies
New Technology Reserve Fund
Public Transportation Infrastructure Study
Regional Transportation Program
Regional Transportation Mitigation Fee
Senior (Taxi) Scrip Program
Transit Oriented Development
Current Measure C Projects
Veteran’s Boulevard
Golden State Boulevard
Measure C Background Information:
Developing the Measure C Extension Plan: 2007-2027 Click here
Measure C: 1987-2007 Click here