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Continuing Measure C

The Measure

Here is a pdf version of the whole 2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan


This portion of Fresno COG’s website is dedicated to informing the public of the allocations and processes that make up the 2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan. If for any reason you are unable to find the answers to your questions regarding Measure C through this section of the site, please contact Fresno COG staff at (559) 233-4148 or via email to

Why & How the Extension was developed

Fresno County voters passed the first (1987-2007) Measure C half-cent sales tax in 1986, to improve roads and transportation in Fresno County. That measure was scheduled to expire in June 2007, until it was renewed by the voters of Fresno County in November 2006. The Measure C Extension will generate more than $1.7 billion over the next 20 years for transportation.
In consideration of Fresno County’s projected population growth, (44% to 1.33 million), the Council of Fresno County Governments fulfilled a request by community stakeholders to establish the Measure C Reauthorization Steering Committee. This 24-member, community-based committee spent close to a year’s time crafting the 2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan.
The Measure C Extension Plan is a balanced transportation funding plan that was formed  through consensus amongst the committee members. Decisions were driven by a mandate from Fresno County voters and the community-at-large, based on two scientific surveys. The core or vision of the plan is to provide mobility options for all of Fresno County’s residents, helping to maintain Fresno County’s quality-of-life in its amenities and transportation options.

Continuing Measure C brochure (pdf)
A summary of the 2006 Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan.
What about my part of town?
Local Program funding sections of the Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan broken down by category and by agency.
Project listings for the cities of ClovisCoalingaFirebaughFowlerFresnoHuronKermanKingsburgMendotaOrange CoveParlierReedleySan JoaquinSangerSelma, and Fresno County.

Explaining Measure C

“Continuing Measure C” PowerPoint Presentation
This pdf version of Fresno COG’s PowerPoint presentation is used by our Speaker’s Bureau members to explain both the current and continuing expenditure plans.
Speaker’s Bureau
Fresno COG Staff is available to speak to your group regarding the Measure C Extension Expenditure Plan.
Book a speaker
Self-Help Counties Status Maps
Self-Help counties are those regions with transportation tax measures in place.
California’s Current Self-Help Counties
Local Transportation Sales Tax Measures Status Report for November 2006
Local Transportation Sales Tax Measures Going To Voters in November 2006
Local Transportation Sales Tax Measures That Have Passed by a 2/3 Vote
Local Transportation Sales Tax Measures That Have Tried, But Never Achieved Self-Help Status
If you have any questions or suggestions for this section please send E-Mail to