Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)

The CRP provides federal funding to projects that decrease transportation emissions, which are defined as the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that result from on-road, highway sources.  Although the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) allows for a variety of projects to be funded through CRP, Caltrans’ Carbon Reduction Strategy directs Local and State CRP funds to be invested in projects that support bicycle and pedestrian, rail and transit, zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure, and conversions of existing lanes to priced managed lanes.


2023-24 CRP Call For Projects

2023-24 CRP Application Packet

2023-24 CRP Final Program Guidelines


2023-24 CRP Timeline

Programming subcommittee convenes to review scoring criteria and call information April-May 2023
Guidelines, criteria, and application packet presented to TTC/PAC/Board for approval and initiation of Call-For-Projects June 2023
Application workshop for member agencies July 12, 2023
Regional bid project submittals due Sept. 17, 2023
CMAQ scoring committee convenes December 6, 2023
COG Policy Board approves recommended projects via resolution January 2024
Projects programed into 2023 FTIP March-April 2024
Submittal of FTIP to Caltrans and anticipated FHWA approval of 2023 FTIP/ Conformity Analysis Fall 2024