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San Joaquin Valley Goods Movement Study

Interregional Goods Movement Study

The San Joaquin Valley Interregional Goods Movement Plan identifies a future preferred goods movement system for the Valley implemented through a comprehensive interregional strategy. This planning effort was organized by all eight of the San Joaquin Valley Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPA’s/COG’s), and was managed by valley-wide coordinator/consultant Michael Sigala, with Sigala Inc., with consultant services provided by Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

The planning effort occurred over a 24+ month period beginning in May 2011 and involved numerous stakeholders including the Federal Highway Administration, Caltrans, ports, private trucking industry, railroads, regional transportation agencies, the agricultural industry and others. There were several goals driving the effort, which are reflected in the final products. Among those goals were, (1) to work with regional freight stakeholders to understand the issues, challenges, bottlenecks, and opportunities of the Valley’s multi-modal goods movement system; (2) to assess the  supply chain and logistics trends and how they will impact goods movement in the future; (3) to create a prioritized investment plan of project improvements and strategies to increase the efficiency and reliability of the region’s goods movement system; (4) to contribute to economic development, strong industries, and environmental health throughout the entire San Joaquin Valley.

Complete project information and documents can be found at these links on the San Joaquin Valley Goods Movement website:
Executive Summary
Full Report