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Reverse Triangle Transportation Area Plan study

Fresno COG, in partnership with the City of Fresno and County of Fresno, received a Caltrans grant to study the impacts from the industrial growth in the Reverse Triangle area. The overall objective of the project is to develop a plan for the project area that will address the potential impacts from the new developments and responds to multimodal travel needs in the area.

Objectives of the planning process include:

  • Convening regional partners from multiple jurisdictions.
  • Determining the projected local and regional impact of planned economic developments on the transportation system.
  • Identifying strategies to mitigate the impact of the growing industrial center on SR-99, SR-41, local and regional roadways.
  • Identifying strategies to move people and goods efficiently along SR-99, SR-41 and local and regional roadways, including all ramp termini and intersections.
  • Meaningfully engaging community residents, particularly environmental justice communities and employers.
  • Collecting counts and data relevant to prioritizing recommendations and calculating cost/benefit ratios for priority projects.
  • Develop implementation measures, prioritize recommendations for investment, develop conceptual layouts and identify potential funding sources.


Final Study

Part 1

Part 2



Project Documents (Please see latest documents at the bottom)

Partner Team Kick-off meeting March 19, 2019:

Partner Team meeting September 4, 2019:

For more information concerning this project, contact Kristine Cai at or (559) 233-4148 x 215