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RTP / SCS Implementation Efforts

2014 RTP/SCS Implementation Efforts

The Three Proposals:  

In May 2014, during a discussion regarding the approval of the 2014 RTP/SCS, the Fresno COG Policy Board directed the Policy Advisory Committee’s  sub-committee to address three proposals brought forward by a coalition of community organizations. The Board further directed staff to address the policies as part of the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy implementation efforts, following the June 26, 2014 adoption of the plans.The three community-based proposals are as follows:

  1. Development of a Transportation Needs Assessment to help inform transportation investment decisions.
  2. Development of a Sustainable Planning and Infrastructure Grant Program to help jurisdictions implement the region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy goals. The first meeting to discuss the development of this grant program was held Thursday, October 6, 2016. ~NOTICE OF POSTPONMENT~ Due to unforeseen medical challenges among Fresno COG staff, we regret that today’s Sustainable Infrastructure Grant Program Kick-off meeting must be postponed. It will be rescheduled by early next week. Notice will be posted to the COG website and emailed out to you.
  3. Development of Natural and Working Lands Conservation Policies applicable to transportation projects.

Moving Forward:  In an effort to to build momentum, help frame the discussion, identify best practices, hear  about practical lessons learned either good or bad, highlight benefits, identify gaps, and start outlining next steps in the process for addressing the three community-based proposals, Fresno COG hosted a Peer Exchange event. This information-gathering from peers throughout the state who have implemented programs or policies similar to three proposals Fresno COG was directed to address, included brainstorming among COG staff, interested Fresno players and peers.


This event was held Wednesday, August 20, 2014 from 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. in the Fresno COG Sequoia Room

Purpose:  Information-gathering from peers throughout the state who have implemented programs or policies similar to three proposals Fresno COG was directed to address as a result of the 2014 Regional Transportation Plan process.

Peer Exchange Program/Agenda

The Peer Exchange Experience:  Photos of the event

Event Presentations, listed in order given 10 total):

Dr. Ken Bird, MD, MPH, Fresno County Department of Public Health
Status of Health in Fresno County

Dr. Jared Rutledge, PhD, Fresno County Health Department
Building Predictive Epidemiological Models

Alan Thompson, Southern CA Association of Governments
SCAG’s Active Transportation Needs Assessment

Jonathan London, Center of Regional Change at UC Davis
Integrating Social Equity into Regional Planning:  Lessons from SB 375

Craig Goldblatt, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
One Bay Area Grant Program

Marco Angerson, Southern CA Association of Governments
Sustainability Planning Grant Program

Colleen Clementson, San Diego Association of Governments
Smart Growth Incentive Program

Loren Clark, Planning Department and Community Development Resource Agency
Conservation Planning in Placer County

Robert Puro, Seedstock
Analyzing Grow Riverside

Robert Tse, USDA CA Rural Development
Utilizing Technology to Enhance and Preserve our Agricultural Lands and Resources

Event Handouts:

UC Davis Center for Regional Change, Research tha Matters for Regions
UC Davis Center for Regional Change, Jobs Housing Fit Tool
UC Davis Center for Regional Change, Regional Opportunity Index (ROI)

Audio Recordings of the Fresno COG Peer Exchange Event:
Plenary Speakers
Transportation Needs Assessment Panel
Grant Program Panel
Conservation/Mitigation Panel
Summary Group Discussion and Closing