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Sustainable Communities Strategy Development and Outreach

2014 RTP Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS)

The Fresno Region’s first Sustainable Communities Strategy to reduce greenhouse gases unanimously accepted by ARB – Read announcement

ARB’s technical evaluation of Fresno COG’s SCS

These SCS regional plans consider long-term housing, transportation and land use needs, taking a big-picture look at how the Central Valley can grow over time in a way that uses resources efficiently, protects existing communities, conserves farmland and open space, and supports the Central Valley economy. Planning in advance for growth can result in better neighborhoods, more housing and transportation choices, and a higher quality of life for residents. Each region in California, including the eight counties of the Central Valley, is required to complete a long-term plan under Senate Bill 375 (SB 375). long-term plan under Senate Bill 375 (SB 375).

The eight counties of the San Joaquin Valley are coordinating on some aspects of these planning efforts to maximize resources, however each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is developing a separate plan. Valleywide we call this SCS process “Valley Visions.”

Valley Visions SCS Information:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):   English Version   Spanish Version   Hmong Version
Valley Visions Fact Sheets:               English Version   Spanish Version   Hmong Version

Link to Valley Visions Video on YouTube:  English    Spanish   Hmong

SCS Development:

The Scenarios:
Under the guidance of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Roundtable, Fresno COG staff developed 4 scenarios (Scenarios A, B, C and D) with combined land use and transportation elements, and performed technical analysis for these 4 scenarios. Three of the scenarios were taken to the public for review and comment in August and September 2013. In September 2013 the Coalition of Community Based Organizations proposed a fourth scenario (Scenario D) and COG staff was directed by our Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) and Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)  to analyze it and report the resulting data.  At their meeting on November 21, 2013 the Fresno COG Policy Board unanimously selected Scenario B as their Preferred Scenario. The four Draft SCS Scenarios include the following:

A.  Public Input from November 2012 Workshop – Proposed by Public
B.  Current Planning Assumptions – Proposed by Member Agencies
C.  Foothill Growth to City of Fresno – Proposed by RTP Roundtable
D.  Foothill Growth to Existing Communities – Proposed by Coalition of Community Organizations

View the Draft SCS Scenarios Description
View the Draft SCS Scenarios Performance Indicator results
SCS Scenario PowerPoint presentation (Scenarios A,B,C,D) 

Communications received regarding SCS Scenario selection for 11/21/13 Policy Board Meeting

Previous presentations and Handouts: (outdated)

SCS Scenario release PowerPoint presentation to the Regional Transportation Plan Roundtable on 9/18/13

Handout:  SCS Comparison Matrix
Handout:  SCS Performance Indicator Matrix

SCS Scenario release presentation to the Regional Transportation Plan Roundtable on 8/14/13
Fresno COG’s SCS Technical Methodology – used to estimate greenhouse gas emission reduction
Top 10 Performance Indicators chosen by public ballot–PowerPoint Presentation of results.
Listing of the 40 SCS Performance Indicators in pdf format

SCS Public Participation Strategies

Fresno COG’s public outreach strategies for SCS development is included in Fresno COG’s 2014 RTP Public Outreach Strategy

Valleywide Public Outreach Strategy
The eight San Joaquin Valley Planning Agencies have received a grant to develop a Valleywide SCS Outreach Strategy. The strategy will help us effectively inform and educate communities in the San Joaquin Valley on the SCS process, timeline and opportunities to be involved during the entire SCS development process on a local level. Additional Fresno COG public outreach strategies will be included in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Public Outreach Plan that is under development. For more information on local RTP/SCS strategies visit the RTP Outreach page.

Past RTP/SCS workshops:

August 2013 SCS Scenario Community Workshops:
In late August and early September we hosted 5 workshops in Fresno, Kingsburg, Kerman, Huron and Clovis to present regional plans that takes a big-picture look at how the Fresno County region can grow over time in a way that uses resources effciently, protects existing communities, conserves farmland and open space, and supports the regional economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Three of these Sustainable Community Strategy scenarios were presented.

SCS Community Workshop survey results

RTP/SCS Public Workshops – held May 16 – May 29, 2013:

Understanding COG, the RTP and the SCS–Ten community workshops were held throughout the Fresno County Region that gave residents an opportunity to hear more about the region’s Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Community Strategy (a brand new plan under development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our region.)

View the RTP SCS Scenario Workshop Listing

Fresno COG’s November 2012 SCS Public Workshop:

A SCS PUBLIC WORKSHOP was held November 7, 2012 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Bullard High School Cafeteria, 5445 N. Palm Avenue, Fresno CA

SCS Workshop PowerPoint presentation -with polling results

November 7, 2012 Public Workshop Attendance Summary:
Reside in Fresno: 61% of attendees
Reside in Clovis: 13% of attendees
Rural areas of Fresno County: 20%
Out of the area, representing agencies who work in Fresno: 5%

Public Workshop Flyer:   English   Spanish

All questions or comments regarding public outreach should be submitted to Brenda Veenendaal, Fresno COG Senior Regional Planner, 559-233-4148, ext. 219

SCS Background information

SB 375 Legislation
Putting the Pieces Together:  A Status Update and Overview for the Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) of the San Joaquin Valley
California Air Resources Board

San Joaquin Valley Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs):

Fresno Council of Governments (FRESNO COG)
Kern County Council of Governments (KERNCOG)
Kern COG’s SCS efforts already underway may be found at this link:
Kings County Association of Governments (KCAG)
Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC)
Merced County Association of Governments (MCAG)
San Joaquin County Council of Governments (SJCOG)
Stanislaus County Council of Governments (STANCOG)
Tulare County Association of Governments (TCAG)