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Regional Transportation Plan Public Outreach

PlanFresno Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Public Participation/Outreach

PlanFresno Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Public Participation/Outreach

In accordance with public participation plan requirements, Fresno Council of Governments updated their 2020 Public Participation Plan (PPP) which includes the RTP Public Outreach Strategy.
The PPP is a plan intended to give Fresno COG’s Policy Board and staff guidance in providing for public involvement and interagency consultation early and often during the regional planning process. It contains policies, guidelines, processes and procedures Fresno COG commits to implementing while seeking and fostering open public involvement during the decision-making process, regarding all matters within discretion. The PPP also identifies opportunities to be involved in the metropolitan transportation planning process.
All documents are available for review or download at or in hard copy at Fresno COG’s offices.

Please contact Brenda Veenendaal with any questions about the plans by emailing her at or calling 559-233-4148 ext. 219.

Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Public Outreach Partners:

Fresno COG’s Community Outreach Mini-Grant Program 

The Fresno Council of Governments is working with three community organizations to solicit ongoing public input into key activities associated with the preparation of the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the Sustainable Communities Strategy Scenarios within it.  Together with these partners, Fresno COG will reach out to residents of the Fresno County region, include them in the RTP and SCS transportation planning process via workshop and online participation, and obtain defined input regarding their perceived community transportation needs. This program is designed to ensure that interested members of the public have ample opportunity to understand and provide meaningful input on these plans during the planning process.

Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Committees:

RTP Roundtable 

The RTP Roundtable will support Fresno COG staff and the COG’s standing committees and Policy Board as the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) are developed. Roundtable members will provide expertise and generate consensus on RTP issues, acting in an advisory capacity to the Fresno COG Policy Board.
RTP Roundtable Meeting Agendas

Environmental Justice (EJ) Subcommittee

The Environmental Justice (EJ) Subcommittee serves Fresno COG’s Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) by assisting Fresno COG staff in setting thresholds for environmental justice populations for the RTP’s Environmental Justice Report. The EJ Subcommittee will appoint one member to sit on the RTP Roundtable for the duration of the RTP update. The subcommittee has ten positions to provide full, diverse and equitable representation from designated Environmental Justice populations. The positions include three Fresno COG member agencies representatives: Local agency urban, East side local agency rural and West side local agency rural. They also include public representatives including four minority representatives for Hispanic, African American, Asian and American Indian populations, two low Income representatives, one senior (65 or older) representative and one representing persons with disabilities.

EJ Subcommittee Meeting Agendas
Questions? Contact Fresno COG Administrative Services Manager Brenda Veenendaal at 559-233-4148, ext. 219 or via email at