2022 RTP Public Participation – Get Involved

Get Involved as we develop “Fresno Forward” – the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)

With your involvement, we can continue as a strong, diverse, resilient region while growing sustainably as a leader in cutting-edge transportation technology. Planning now will help our communities grow in a way that leaves a generous legacy for future generations. Will you join us?


Public Participation Plan

Review Fresno COG’s current Public Participation Plan, which describes Fresno COG’s responsibilities, goals and strategies for engaging the public in its planning work and funding allocations.


Mailing List

To stay up-to-date on Fresno Forward, please subscribe to the Fresno Forward email list. Fresno COG sends out a monthly email update, highlighting work currently underway as well as offering a list of upcoming events and meetings.


Attend an Event

As Fresno Forward 2046 is developed, Fresno COG will host a number of interactive community workshops, pop-up events, webinars, briefings for elected officials and public hearings, among other activities. Fresno COG warmly invites you to participate. Your feedback will help shape Fresno Forward 2046. Sign up to receive email updates about Fresno Forward.


Send Us Your Comments

Email: comments@fresnocog.org

Public information line: (559) 233-4148

(Languages supported by Fresno COG staff: English, Spanish, Hmong, Chinese)