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Fresno County Regional Housing Needs Allocation Plan

On November 17, 2022, the Fresno Council of Governments’ Policy Board adopted the Sixth-Cycle Final RHNA Plan for the Fresno County region, following a public hearing. Each of the local jurisdictions in Fresno County must now update the Housing Element of its general plan to accommodate its RHNA numbers. The Sixth Cycle RHNA covers the housing projection period from 2023-2031.

Final RHNA Plan


Fresno COG is currently developing its 6th Cycle Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) Plan. RHNA is a state-mandated process to identify the number of housing units that each local government must accommodate in the Housing Element of its General Plan (Government Code §65584).

As part of the RHNA process, the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) allocates shares of statewide housing need, by income category, to councils of governments (COGs), and advises COGs in the preparation of the RHNA plan. Fresno COG, as the council of government for the Fresno County region, is then required to develop a methodology to distribute the housing need to jurisdictions within the region and prepare a regional housing needs allocation plan that determines housing allocations specific to jurisdictions and furthers the objectives of Government Code Section 65584. Each local jurisdiction must then update the Housing Element of its General Plan in accordance with the community’s housing needs.

Final RHNA Methodology

Fresno COG Final RHNA Methodology

Resolution of Adoption

HCD Review of the Final RHNA Methodology 8-25-22

Regional Housing Need Determination from HCD

Final Determination Letter

Comparable Region Analysis

Member Jurisdiction Survey Results

State law requires Fresno COG to survey its member jurisdictions to request information that will inform the development of the RHNA Plan, by collecting data regarding the Objectives and Factors required for consideration in RHNA Plan development. The survey was conducted in March of 2021 and compiled a summary of the results in the report linked below.

Fresno COG RHNA Member Jurisdiction Survey Results

Past RHNA Plans

Final 2013 RHNA Plan

Final 2007 RHNA Plan

Final 2001 RHNA Plan