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VMT Office

Step 3: Determine Project Size, Analyze VMT

Office projects are analyzed based on the project’s net VMT per employee. This metric can be determined based on the size of your project:

  • Projects with 375 employees or less can be analyzed using Fresno COG’s VMT Calculation Tool. The number of employees depends upon the characteristics and size of the project. It is the responsibility of the developer to provide a reasonable estimate as appropriate for the project. Click here to access this tool.
  • Project with more than 375 employees should be analyzed with the Fresno COG Activity-Based Model. For projects that must use the ABM, project sponsors can either contact COG staff or use Fresno COG’s VMT Modeling Consultant List.

Once you have the VMT results, you may continue the analysis:

VMT per employee is 13% or 15% BELOW regional average*

VMT per employee is GREATER than 13% or 15% below regional average*

* Depending on jurisdiction VMT policies. Click here for more information.

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