Upcoming Events
Latest News
- Notice of Public Listening Session for Fresno COG Federal Certification Review
- San Joaquin Valley Project-Level Conformity Working Group – City of Parlier
- Visit the Measure C Renewal Community Engagement Hub
- San Joaquin Valley Project-Level Conformity Working Group – City of Selma
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Measure C
Measure C
The Fresno County region’s half cent sales tax for transportation purposes. Fresno COG conducts much of the measure’s planning and implementation.
Click Here
Measure C Senior Scrip
Measure C Senior Scrip
Eligible seniors receive a 75% discount on ride fares for taxis, Uber, Lyft and other providers
Click Here
SB743 Resource Hub
Fresno COG Meeting Agendas
Community Engagement
Community Engagement
Get involved in current programs and project Fresno COG is undertaking
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Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update
(RTP) Update
The RTP is a long-range plan that identifies present and future transportation
needs of the Fresno County region
Click Here
Climate Action Planning
Climate Action Planning
Fresno COG is preparing two greenhouse gas reduction plans for the Fresno Region
Click Here
Fresno COG One Voice D.C
One Voice D.C
A delegation of public and private members advocating for projects and priorities beneficial to the region.
Click Here
What is the Fresno Council of Governments?
Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) is a consensus builder, developing acceptable programs and solutions to issues that do not respect political boundaries. Fresno COG is a voluntary association of 16 local governments – one of California’s 38 regional planning agencies and one of 500+ nationwide. In 1967, incorporated city and Fresno County elected officials established the agency, formalizing it in 1969 through a Joint Powers Agreement. Fresno COG undertakes comprehensive regional planning with a transportation emphasis, provides citizens an opportunity to be involved in the planning process and supplies technical service to its members.
Each seal links to a member’s website. View all of Fresno COGs member agencies, HERE.